
Congratulations to all the award winners of the best presentations:

Session “Biodiversity, Dynamics and Conservation”:

Best oral presentation: Nicolas Dubos

Best poster presentation: Camille Leclerc

And the jury would like to congratulate also the second best oral: Matthias Grenié and the second best poster: Claire Lorel (The choice was very difficult).

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Session “Humanities and Natural Sciences”:

Best oral presentation: Sifan Hu

Best poster presentation: Hugo Harbers

The choice was also very difficult and the jury congratulated the second: Louise Le Meillour and Cecile Bourguet.

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Session “Systematics, Evolution and Comparative Anatomy”:

Best oral presentation: François Clarac

Best poster presentation: Marine Fau


Session “Earth and Planetary Sciences”:

Best oral presentation: Joti Rouillard

Best poster presentation: Yassine Ait Brahim

The jury wished to put forward three oral and three posters.The second best oral presentation was that of Clément Jauvion, and in third Jean-Marie Prival. The second best poster was that of Leo Szewczyk, and in third Heitor Sartorelli.‌

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Session “Evolutionary Ecology”:

Best oral presentation: Xavier Bouteiller

Best poster presentation: David Rozen-Rechels

The jury stated that all presentations were of exceptional quality. The second best oral presentation was that of Laure Schneider-Maunoury, and in joint third Avril Weinbach and Hugo Gruson. The second best poster was that of Andrea Acurio, and in joint third Sophie Labaude and Loriane Mendez.

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Session “Methods in Natural Sciences”:

Best oral presentation: Luiza Teixeira-Costa

Best poster presentation: Samuel Ginot

The choice of the best poster was particularly difficult and the jury would like to congratulate Louise Le Meillour.

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