Guidelines for your communication

Here are some guidelines for oral and poster communications for the YNHM.


Oral communications:

Speakers have been allocated a 15 minutes slot : 10 min for presentation + 5 min for questions.

As we have a tight schedule, please respect the timing or we will have to stop you before the end of your talk.

 We prefer PDF version of your presentation for compatibility considerations.



Posters should be in A0 format (84 x 119 cm) presented in PORTRAIT format. Font size must be at least 20. We recommend that you include contact details on your posters. 

At least one author of the poster should be present at the conference and stay by the poster during the poster session.


Best oral and poster presentation of each session will be rewarded by a 200€ voucher offered by Springer, and other gifts from our sponsors.

For further questions, please contact the organizing team at:





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